All JCSP statements have been written by practising teachers. A statement is a general description of a particular area of knowledge, ability or skill. Essentially a statement affirms that a student knows, understands or can do something. Each statement is defined or described by a series of learning targets. Learning targets are specific, short-term goals that lead to a statement. These outline the steps that are followed and the material that should be covered if the student is to achieve competence in the long-term target, the statement.
The profile system consists of over 180 statements. There are two types of statements: subject-based statements and cross-curricular statements. Subject-based statements reflect many of the aims and objectives of the Junior Cycle subject syllabi. Cross-curricular statements usually refer to knowledge, ability or skills required by students to be successful learners but not directly examined in the Junior Cycle Examinations. Through cross-curricular statements students receive certification for a wide range of their achievements at Junior Cycle in addition to certification for their academic success.
Irish (IR)
Gaeilge (GA)
Mathematics (M)
Science (ST)
Digital Technology (DT)
Home Economics (HE)
Civics, Social and Political Education (CSPE)
Geography (G)
History (H)
Visual Art (VA)
Music (MUS)
Physical Education (PE)
Religious Education (RE)
Wood Technology (WT)
Engineering (EN)
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Applied Technology (AT)
Graphics (GR)
Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
Business Studies (BST)
Basic Skills (BS)
Career Guidance (CG)
Career Guidance (CG1)
Can use relevant information to research and plan for future school/study/career decisions.
World of Work (CG2)
Can use relevant knowledge about the world of work
to make informed choices and develop life skills.
Library Skills (L)
Cross Curricular Statements (CC)
Punctuality (CC1)
Can be usually or always on time for school, class periods and other appointments.
Attendance (CC2)
Can attend regularly and is never absent without good reason.
Working with Others (Revised) (CC3)
Can work with others and make a positive contribution to group activities.
Working Alone (CC4)
Can carrying out appointed tasks without supervision.
Homework (CC5)
Can usually or always submits satisfactory work, completed on time.
Cross-Curricular Project (CC6)
Can plan, prepare and carry out, with assistance, a project involving different subject areas.
Action Project (CC7)
Can actively participate in the planning, preparation and carrying out of an action project appropriately and responsibly.
Action Project - Presenting (Revised) (CC8)
Can present the findings of an action project in which they participated.
Project Skills: Historical (Revised) (CC9)
Can research, organise and present a historical project with assistance.
Field Trip (CC10)
Can plan, prepare and carry out a field trip as part of a group; carry out allocated tasks and appropriately present their findings and evaluate the experience.
Project Research Skills (Revised) (CC11)
Can organise and present a project.
Basic Research and Statistics (Revised) (CC12)
Can carry out a simple research project with assistance and display the result appropriately.
Information Management (Revised) (CC13)
Can use, gather, sequence and interpret information from a wide range of sources with assistance and present this information in different ways.
Organising & Planning a School Function (CC14)
Can work as part of a team in order to plan, prepare and present all aspects of a simple school function.
Social Competence: Reading from Texts (CC15)
Can find general and specific information from a variety of texts.
Social Competence: Functional Writing (Revised) (CC16)
Can make appropriate use of written language when dealing with the normal demands of school and everyday life.
Social Competence: Listening (Revised) (CC17)
Can use written and oral language to demonstrate the ability to listen and retain information accurately.
Social Competence: Speaking (Revised) (CC18)
Can use the spoken word to accurately express opinions and experiences in a social context.
Measurement of Time (CC19)
Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of time in everyday situations.
Measurement of Temperature (CC20)
Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding for the measurement of temperature in everyday situations.
Measurement of Weight/Capacity (CC21)
Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of weight/capacity in everyday situations.
Measurement of Length and Distance (CC22)
Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of length and distance in everyday situations.
Money Management (CC23)
Can manage personal and household finances.
The Business of Living (CC24)
Can manage personal finances in the area of income, expenditure and budgeting.
Consumer Studies (CC25)
Can use relevant knowledge about consumer rights to make informed consumer choices.
Health and Nutrition (CC26)
Can use relevant knowledge about health and nutrition to make informed lifestyle choices.
Shape and Space (CC27)
Can apply knowledge and understanding of the proportions of common two and three dimensional shapes to their work.
Spatial Awareness (CC28)
Can apply knowledge of direction and space to their work.
Drawing and Sketching (CC29)
Can use a range of drawing and sketching techniques to record information and to communicate information graphically.
Craft and Materials: Construction and Assembly (CC30)
Can work with a range of craft materials to create and finish a piece of work.
Horticulture: Basic Cultivation (CC31)
Can cultivate and care for a variety of flowers, bulbs, vegetables, herbs and other plants.
Practical Horticulture (CC32)
Can plan and carry out simple horticultural projects that demonstrate a familiarity with varied methods of cultivation.
Health and Safety (CC33)
Can explain the need for a wide variety of safety procedures in the workplace and act on these.
Animal Care (CC34)
Can take care of and be aware of the needs of an animal of choice.
Animal Care: Horse, Pony or Donkey (CC35)
Can relate the history and use the terms associated with horses and understand the important aspects of caring for a horse, pony or donkey.
Positive Communication (Revised) (CC36)
Can communicate with people in a positive manner and apply these skills to maintain friendships.
Relationships: Self - Awareness (CC37)
Can identify, express and display personal qualities in a positive way showing an awareness of the needs of other people.
Relationships: Self and Others (CC38)
Can understand and recognise the need for the different codes of behaviour.
Growth and Development 1 (CC39)
Can make informed choices within personal relationships.
Growth and Development 2 (CC40)
Can apply the skills needed to clarify values and make lifestyle decisions.
Photography (CC41)
Can apply the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, execute and finish a work in two dimensions.
Video Production (Revised) (CC42)
Can plan, prepare and make a short video sequence on a topic of choice.
Interculturalism: Self and Others (CC43)
Can gather and interpret material relating to uniqueness and difference.
Interculturalism: Diversity and Change in Ireland (CC44)
Can examine the world influences on Irish culture and society, past and present.
Home Studies 1 (CC45)
Can describe important aspects of home management and carry out some basic home maintenance tasks (1).
Home Studies 2 (CC46)
Can describe important aspects of home management and carry out some basic home maintenance tasks (2).
Rural Studies (Revised) (CC47)
Can describe important aspects of rural home management and carry out some basic farm maintenance tasks.
Rules of the Road (CC48)
Can recognise and demonstrate a reasonable knowledge of the rules of the road.
Road Safety (CC49)
Can recognise and demonstrate good practice in a variety of aspects of road safety.
Make A Book (CC50)
Can plan, prepare and make-a-book for the Make A Book Exhibition.
Paired Reading (CC51)
Can participate in a Paired Reading programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
Reading Challenge (CC52)
Can participate in a Reading Challenge programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
Word Millionaire (CC53)
Can participate in a Word Millionaire reading programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
Reading Programme (CC54)
Can participate in a Reading Programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
Readalong (Revised) (CC55)
Can participate in a Readalong programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
Stars Read (Revised) (CC56)
Can be awarded the "Stars Read" certificate as a result of participation in a range of literacy activities.
Horticulture: Landscaping (CC58)
Can plan the landscaping of an area in the school environment and carry out the practical work required to do this.
Debating (CC60)
Can demonstrate understanding of Debating and Participate in a Debate.
Study Skills 1 (Revised) (CC63)
Can use appropriate study skills to support learning.
Study Skills 2 (CC64)
Can use appropriate study skills, including note taking, to support learning.
Study Skills 3 (Revised) (CC65)
Can use appropriate study skills, including note taking and revision, to prepare for the Junior Cycle examination.
Study Skills 4: Active Learning (Revised) (CC66)
Can apply a range of skills necessary to participate effectively in an active learning environment.
Study Skills 5: Reading Strategies (Revised) (CC67)
Can use appropriate reading strategies to read and comprehend a variety of texts.
Paired Maths: Tutor (CC71)
Can participate as a tutor in a Paired Maths Programme.
Paired Maths: Tutee (CC72)
Can participate as a tutee in a Paired Maths Programme.
Communication (CC73)
Can communicate his/her views, opinions and feelings.
Digital Enquiry- Introductory Skills (CC74)
Can apply the basic knowledge and skills needed for using the internet and e-mail.
Video Production: Animoto (CC75)
Can apply the knowledge and skills necessary to produce Animoto video.