All JCSP statements have been written by practising teachers. A statement is a general description of a particular area of knowledge, ability or skill. Essentially a statement affirms that a student knows, understands or can do something. Each statement is defined or described by a series of learning targets. Learning targets are specific, short-term goals that lead to a statement. These outline the steps that are followed and the material that should be covered if the student is to achieve competence in the long-term target, the statement.
The profile system consists of over 180 statements. There are two types of statements: subject-based statements and cross-curricular statements. Subject-based statements reflect many of the aims and objectives of the Junior Cycle subject syllabi. Cross-curricular statements usually refer to knowledge, ability or skills required by students to be successful learners but not directly examined in the Junior Cycle Examinations. Through cross-curricular statements students receive certification for a wide range of their achievements at Junior Cycle in addition to certification for their academic success.
- English (E)
- EJC1 - I can communicate as a reader (EJC1) - I can communicate as a reader.
- EJC2 - I can communicate as a speaker (EJC2) - I can communicate as a speaker.
- EJC3 - I can communicate as a writer (EJC3) - I can communicate as a writer.
- EJC4 - I can explore and use language (EJC4) - I can explore and use language.
- EJC5 - I can understand the content and structure of language (EJC5) - I can understand the content and structure of language.
- IRJC1 - T2 Gaeilge: An Ghaeilge agus cultúr na Gaeilge thart timpeall orm (IRJC1) - An Ghaeilge agus cultúr na Gaeilge thart timpeall orm.
- IRJC2 - T2 Gaeilge: Ag forbairt mo chumas cumarsáide (IRJC2) - Ag forbairt mo chumas cumarsáide.
- IRJC3 - T2 Gaeilge: Mo rogha ghné de litríocht na Gaeilge (IRJC3) - Mo rogha ghné de litríocht na Gaeilge.
- IRJC4 - T2 Gaeilge: M’aistear foghlama sa Ghaeilge (IRJC4) - M’aistear foghlama sa Ghaeilge.
- GAJC1 - T1 Gaeilge: M’aistear foghlama mar bhall den phobal teanga (GAJC1) - M’aistear foghlama mar bhall den phobal teanga.
- GAJC2 - T1 Gaeilge: Ag forbairt mo chumas cumarsáide (GAJC2) - Ag forbairt mo chumas cumarsáide.
- GAJC3 - T1 Gaeilge: Mo rogha ghné de Litríocht na Gaeilge (GAJC3) - Mo rogha ghné de Litríocht na Gaeilge.
- GAJC4 - T1 Gaeilge: Litríocht áitiúil/bhéil a théann i gcion orm (GAJC4) - Litríocht áitiúil/bhéil a théann i gcion orm.
- GAJC5 - T1 Gaeilge: Gné de phobal agus de chultúr na Gaeilge atá tábhachtach dom (GAJC5) - Gné de phobal agus de chultúr na Gaeilge atá tábhachtach dom.
- MJC1 - Representation (MJC1) - Representation.
- MJC2 - Communication (MJC2) - Communication.
- MJC3 - Problem-Solving (MJC3) - Problem-Solving.
- STJC1 - I can investigate in Science (STJC1) - I can investigate in Science.
- STJC2 - I can collect Data (STJC2) - I can collect Data.
- STJC3 - I can communicate in Science (STJC3) - I can communicate in Science.
- STJC4 - I can demonstrate knowledge and understanding (STJC4) - I can demonstrate knowledge and understanding.
- Keyboarding (DT1) - Can use the computer keyboard for basic keyboarding and data input.
- Typewriting (DT2) - Can type a variety of documents using appropriate layout and styles.
- Computer Skills (DT3) - Can use a computer to demonstrate a range of computer related skills.
- Word Processing (DT4) - Can use a word processor to carry out a range of tasks.
- Educational Computer Software (DT5) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to use educational software.
- The Internet (DT6) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for using the Internet and e-mail.
- Spreadsheets (DT7) - Can use a spreadsheet to carry out various tasks.
- HEJC1 - I can apply practical life skills in everyday living (HEJC1) - I can apply practical life skills in everyday living.
- HEJC2 - I can recognise my responsibilities to my family and society (HEJC2) - I can recognise my responsibilities to my family and society.
- HEJC3 - I can make informed decisions that have a positive impact on my health and wellbeing (HEJC3) - I can make informed decisions that have a positive impact on my health and wellbeing.
- HEJC4 - I can be resourceful and live sustainably (HEJC4) - I can be resourceful and live sustainably.
- HEJC5 - I can apply decision making skills to live independently (HEJC5) - I can apply decision making skills to live independently.
- The Individual, Community and Society (CSPE1) - Can understand rights and responsibilities and describe the different social groupings in society.
- The State and the Wider World (CSPE2) - Can describe the democratic processes within the State and the place of the State within a global context.
- GJC1 - I can explain how the physical world is formed (GJC1) - I can explain how the physical world is formed.
- GJC2 - I can describe how natural processes shape the physical world (GJC2) - I can describe how natural processes shape the physical world.
- GJC3 - I understand how people interact with the environment (GJC3) - I understand how people interact with the environment.
- GJC4 - I can investigate what influences where people live (GJC4) - I can investigate what influences where people live.
- GJC5 - I can compare countries with different levels of development (GJC5) - I can compare countries with different levels of development.
- HJC1 - I Understand life in the past (HJC1) - I Understand life in the past.
- HJC2 - I know why it is important to remember the past (HJC2) - I know why it is important to remember the past.
- HJC3 - I can demonstrate my Historical knowledge and understanding (HJC3) - I can demonstrate my Historical knowledge and understanding.
- HJC4 - I can work with Historical evidence (HJC4) - I can work with Historical evidence.
- HJC5 - I can locate myself in history (HJC5) - I can locate myself in history.
- VAJC1 - I can manage myself and my work in Visual Art (VAJC1) - I can manage myself and my work in Visual Art.
- VAJC2 - I can think, research and experiment creatively (VAJC2) - I can think, research and experiment creatively.
- VAJC3 - I can communicate and use the language of Visual Art (VAJC3) - I can communicate and use the language of Visual Art.
- VAJC4 - I can develop, realise and present my work (VAJC4) - I can develop, realise and present my work.
- MUSJC1 - I can participate and make music (MUSJC1) - I can participate and make music.
- MUSJC2 - I can create and explore in music (MUSJC2) - I can create and explore in music.
- MUSJC3 - I can appraise and respond in music (MUSJC3) - I can appraise and respond in music.
- Health Related Activities (Level1) (PE1) - Health Related Activities (Level1). Two targets must be selected from the following list of HR Level1 learning targets and inserted in each Physical Education statement.
- Divided Court Games (Level1) (PE2) - Can design and participate with confidence in a divided court game (Level1).
- Invasion Games (Level1) (PE3) - Can design and participate with confidence in an invasion game (Level1).
- Participate In An Athletics Meet (Level1) (PE4) - Can take an active part in Athletics (Level1).
- Dance (Level1) (PE5) - Can perform a dance individually or as part of a group (Level1).
- Gymnastics (Level1) (PE6) - Can create and perform a basic gymnastic sequence (Level1).
- Aquatics (Level1) (PE7) - Can take part in an aquatic activity demonstrating safety and confidence (Level1).
- Adventure Activities (Level1) (PE8) - Can navigate and take part in a team challenge (Level1).
- REJC1 - I understand and respect the different ways that people express their beliefs and values, religious or otherwise (REJC1) - I understand and respect the different ways that people express their beliefs and values, religious or otherwise.
- REJC2 - I can explore questions about the meaning of life and possible responses, religious or otherwise (REJC2) - I can explore questions about the meaning of life and possible responses, religious or otherwise.
- REJC3 - I can describe how particular values and/or beliefs can influence moral decision making (REJC3) - I can describe how particular values and/or beliefs can influence moral decision making.
- WTJC1 - I can manage myself and my resources in Wood Technology (WTJC1) - I can manage myself and my resources in Wood Technology.
- WTJC2 - I can communicate my design thinking and subject understanding (WTJC2) - I can communicate my design thinking and subject understanding.
- WTJC3 - I can apply my Wood Technology skills and knowledge (WTJC3) - I can apply my Wood Technology skills and knowledge.
- WTJC4 - I can appreciate the importance of trees (WTJC4) - I can appreciate the importance of trees.
- ENJC1 - I can understand the procedures, materials and processes in Engineering (ENJC1) - I can understand the procedures, materials and processes in Engineering.
- ENJC2 - I can research, design and manufacture in Engineering (ENJC2) - I can research, design and manufacture in Engineering.
- ENJC3 - I can communicate my understanding of Engineering concepts (ENJC3) - I can communicate my understanding of Engineering concepts.
- MFLJC1 - I can learn and use a language by myself (MFLJC1) - I can learn and use a language by myself.
- MFLJC2 - I can use a language to communicate with others (MFLJC2) - I can use a language to communicate with others.
- MFLJC3 - I can improve how I learn and use the language in several different ways (MFLJC3) - I can improve how I learn and use the language in several different ways.
- ATJC1 – I can manage myself and my work in Applied Technology (ATJC1) - I can manage myself and my work in Applied Technology.
- ATJC2 - I understand the role and impact of technology (ATJC2) - I understand the role and impact of technology.
- ATJC3 - I can design, prototype and create final design solutions (ATJC3) - I can design, prototype and create final design solutions.
- ATJC4 - I can create controlled solutions to perform tasks safely and efficiently (ATJC4) - I can create controlled solutions to perform tasks safely and efficiently.
- GRJC1 - I am able to draw in 2D using my Graphics drawing equipment (GRJC1) - I am able to draw in 2D using my Graphics drawing equipment.
- GRJC2 - I am able to represent objects in 3D (GRJC2) - I am able to represent objects in 3D.
- GRJC3 - I can apply my understanding of Graphics to communicate information and ideas through a range of media (GRJC3) - I can apply my understanding of Graphics to communicate information and ideas through a range of media.
- Alcohol and Smoking (SPHE1) - Can use relevant knowledge about alcohol and smoking to make informed and positive life choices.
- Legal and Illegal Substances (SPHE2) - Can understand and recognise legal and illegal substances to help make positive life choices.
- Bullying (SPHE3) - Can identify and label behaviour and possible responses to such behaviour.
- Personal Security and Safety (SPHE4) - Can identify and suggest different ways for promoting personal security and safety.
- BSTJC1 - Managing My Money and Making Responsible Decisions (BSTJC1) - Managing My Money and Making Responsible Decisions.
- BSTJC2 - Being An Ethical Consumer (BSTJC2) - Being An Ethical Consumer.
- BSTJC3 - Recording and Assessing the Finances of an Enterprise (BSTJC3) - Recording and Assessing the Finances of an Enterprise.
- BSTJC4 - Being Innovative & Enterprising (BSTJC4) - Being Innovative & Enterprising.
- BSTJC5 - Living in a Globalised World (BSTJC5) - Living in a Globalised World.
- Language Skills: Basic Reading (BS1) - Can read basic English in specified situations.
- Language Skills: Basic Writing (BS2) - Can write basic English in specified situations.
- Basic Arithmetic (BS3) - Can apply the knowledge and skills needed to carry out basic mathematical calculations.
- Career Guidance (CG1) - Can use relevant information to research and plan for future school/study/career decisions.
- World of Work (CG2) - Can use relevant knowledge about the world of work to make informed choices and develop life skills.
- Organisation of a Library (L53) - Can understand, identify and locate materials in the library.
- Library Use (L54) - Can be a regular library user, with the skills to access a wide range of resources.
- Punctuality (CC1) - Can be usually or always on time for school, class periods and other appointments.
- Attendance (CC2) - Can attend regularly and is never absent without good reason.
- Working with Others (Revised) (CC3) - Can work with others and make a positive contribution to group activities.
- Working Alone (CC4) - Can carrying out appointed tasks without supervision.
- Homework (CC5) - Can usually or always submits satisfactory work, completed on time.
- Cross-Curricular Project (CC6) - Can plan, prepare and carry out, with assistance, a project involving different subject areas.
- Action Project (CC7) - Can actively participate in the planning, preparation and carrying out of an action project appropriately and responsibly.
- Action Project - Presenting (Revised) (CC8) - Can present the findings of an action project in which they participated.
- Project Skills: Historical (Revised) (CC9) - Can research, organise and present a historical project with assistance.
- Field Trip (CC10) - Can plan, prepare and carry out a field trip as part of a group; carry out allocated tasks and appropriately present their findings and evaluate the experience.
- Project Research Skills (Revised) (CC11) - Can organise and present a project.
- Basic Research and Statistics (Revised) (CC12) - Can carry out a simple research project with assistance and display the result appropriately.
- Information Management (Revised) (CC13) - Can use, gather, sequence and interpret information from a wide range of sources with assistance and present this information in different ways.
- Organising & Planning a School Function (CC14) - Can work as part of a team in order to plan, prepare and present all aspects of a simple school function.
- Social Competence: Reading from Texts (CC15) - Can find general and specific information from a variety of texts.
- Social Competence: Functional Writing (Revised) (CC16) - Can make appropriate use of written language when dealing with the normal demands of school and everyday life.
- Social Competence: Listening (Revised) (CC17) - Can use written and oral language to demonstrate the ability to listen and retain information accurately.
- Social Competence: Speaking (Revised) (CC18) - Can use the spoken word to accurately express opinions and experiences in a social context.
- Measurement of Time (CC19) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of time in everyday situations.
- Measurement of Temperature (CC20) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding for the measurement of temperature in everyday situations.
- Measurement of Weight/Capacity (CC21) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of weight/capacity in everyday situations.
- Measurement of Length and Distance (CC22) - Can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for the measurement of length and distance in everyday situations.
- Money Management (CC23) - Can manage personal and household finances.
- The Business of Living (CC24) - Can manage personal finances in the area of income, expenditure and budgeting.
- Consumer Studies (CC25) - Can use relevant knowledge about consumer rights to make informed consumer choices.
- Health and Nutrition (CC26) - Can use relevant knowledge about health and nutrition to make informed lifestyle choices.
- Shape and Space (CC27) - Can apply knowledge and understanding of the proportions of common two and three dimensional shapes to their work.
- Spatial Awareness (CC28) - Can apply knowledge of direction and space to their work.
- Drawing and Sketching (CC29) - Can use a range of drawing and sketching techniques to record information and to communicate information graphically.
- Craft and Materials: Construction and Assembly (CC30) - Can work with a range of craft materials to create and finish a piece of work.
- Horticulture: Basic Cultivation (CC31) - Can cultivate and care for a variety of flowers, bulbs, vegetables, herbs and other plants.
- Practical Horticulture (CC32) - Can plan and carry out simple horticultural projects that demonstrate a familiarity with varied methods of cultivation.
- Health and Safety (CC33) - Can explain the need for a wide variety of safety procedures in the workplace and act on these.
- Animal Care (CC34) - Can take care of and be aware of the needs of an animal of choice.
- Animal Care: Horse, Pony or Donkey (CC35) - Can relate the history and use the terms associated with horses and understand the important aspects of caring for a horse, pony or donkey.
- Positive Communication (Revised) (CC36) - Can communicate with people in a positive manner and apply these skills to maintain friendships.
- Relationships: Self - Awareness (CC37) - Can identify, express and display personal qualities in a positive way showing an awareness of the needs of other people.
- Relationships: Self and Others (CC38) - Can understand and recognise the need for the different codes of behaviour.
- Growth and Development 1 (CC39) - Can make informed choices within personal relationships.
- Growth and Development 2 (CC40) - Can apply the skills needed to clarify values and make lifestyle decisions.
- Photography (CC41) - Can apply the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, execute and finish a work in two dimensions.
- Video Production (Revised) (CC42) - Can plan, prepare and make a short video sequence on a topic of choice.
- Interculturalism: Self and Others (CC43) - Can gather and interpret material relating to uniqueness and difference.
- Interculturalism: Diversity and Change in Ireland (CC44) - Can examine the world influences on Irish culture and society, past and present.
- Home Studies 1 (CC45) - Can describe important aspects of home management and carry out some basic home maintenance tasks (1).
- Home Studies 2 (CC46) - Can describe important aspects of home management and carry out some basic home maintenance tasks (2).
- Rural Studies (Revised) (CC47) - Can describe important aspects of rural home management and carry out some basic farm maintenance tasks.
- Rules of the Road (CC48) - Can recognise and demonstrate a reasonable knowledge of the rules of the road.
- Road Safety (CC49) - Can recognise and demonstrate good practice in a variety of aspects of road safety.
- Make A Book (CC50) - Can plan, prepare and make-a-book for the Make A Book Exhibition.
- Paired Reading (CC51) - Can participate in a Paired Reading programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
- Reading Challenge (CC52) - Can participate in a Reading Challenge programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
- Word Millionaire (CC53) - Can participate in a Word Millionaire reading programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
- Reading Programme (CC54) - Can participate in a Reading Programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
- Readalong (Revised) (CC55) - Can participate in a Readalong programme and read with an understanding of a range of reading material.
- Stars Read (Revised) (CC56) - Can be awarded the "Stars Read" certificate as a result of participation in a range of literacy activities.
- Horticulture: Landscaping (CC58) - Can plan the landscaping of an area in the school environment and carry out the practical work required to do this.
- Debating (CC60) - Can demonstrate understanding of Debating and Participate in a Debate.
- Study Skills 1 (Revised) (CC63) - Can use appropriate study skills to support learning.
- Study Skills 2 (CC64) - Can use appropriate study skills, including note taking, to support learning.
- Study Skills 3 (Revised) (CC65) - Can use appropriate study skills, including note taking and revision, to prepare for the Junior Cycle examination.
- Study Skills 4: Active Learning (Revised) (CC66) - Can apply a range of skills necessary to participate effectively in an active learning environment.
- Study Skills 5: Reading Strategies (Revised) (CC67) - Can use appropriate reading strategies to read and comprehend a variety of texts.
- Paired Maths: Tutor (CC71) - Can participate as a tutor in a Paired Maths Programme.
- Paired Maths: Tutee (CC72) - Can participate as a tutee in a Paired Maths Programme.
- Communication (CC73) - Can communicate his/her views, opinions and feelings.
- Digital Enquiry- Introductory Skills (CC74) - Can apply the basic knowledge and skills needed for using the internet and e-mail.
- Video Production: Animoto (CC75) - Can apply the knowledge and skills necessary to produce Animoto video.