
Displaying all 22 courses
Approaches to Mathematics in Transition Year
Co-ordinating the Transition Year Programme
Comhordiniú na hIdir Bhliana sna Geal Cholaistí agus Scoileanna na Gaeltachta
Coordinating the Transition Year Programme
Coordinating the Transition Year Programme - Developing the Programme with Emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy
Enterprise Education in Transition Year including "Get Up & Go" Minicompany
Group Teaching & Learning Strategies in Transition Year
Group Teaching and Learning Strategies in Transition Year
Inspiration for Teachers of Science in Transition Year (SL0919)
Introduction and Induction for effective implementation and management - a two day residential seminar for Principals/Deputy Principals/Coordinators new to Transition Year
Introduction and Induction for effective Transition Year implementation and management
Introduction and Induction for Effective Transition Year Implementation and Management
Introduction and Induction for effective Transition Year implementation and management - A two day residential seminar
Mini Company in TY (SL0920)
Teaching and Learning Methodologies in the TY Modern Language Class (SL0921)
Transition Year Evaluation
Transition Year Induction
Transition Year Induction for schools introducing Transition Year in September 2010 and for Co-ordinators/Co-ordinating Team Members new to Transition Year
Transition Year Mini Company
Transition Year Programme Planning and Development
Transition Year Science - some new practical approaches
|Active Teaching and Learning in the TY Modern Languages
Displaying all 22 courses