All JCSP statements have been written by practising teachers. A statement is a general description of a particular area of knowledge, ability or skill. Essentially a statement affirms that a student knows, understands or can do something. Each statement is defined or described by a series of learning targets. Learning targets are specific, short-term goals that lead to a statement. These outline the steps that are followed and the material that should be covered if the student is to achieve competence in the long-term target, the statement.
The profile system consists of over 180 statements. There are two types of statements: subject-based statements and cross-curricular statements. Subject-based statements reflect many of the aims and objectives of the Junior Cycle subject syllabi. Cross-curricular statements usually refer to knowledge, ability or skills required by students to be successful learners but not directly examined in the Junior Cycle Examinations. Through cross-curricular statements students receive certification for a wide range of their achievements at Junior Cycle in addition to certification for their academic success.
- Business Studies (BST)
- BSTJC1 - Managing My Money and Making Responsible Decisions (BSTJC1) - Managing My Money and Making Responsible Decisions.
- BSTJC2 - Being An Ethical Consumer (BSTJC2) - Being An Ethical Consumer.
- BSTJC3 - Recording and Assessing the Finances of an Enterprise (BSTJC3) - Recording and Assessing the Finances of an Enterprise.
- BSTJC4 - Being Innovative & Enterprising (BSTJC4) - Being Innovative & Enterprising.
- BSTJC5 - Living in a Globalised World (BSTJC5) - Living in a Globalised World.