
Displaying courses 76 - 96 of 96 in total
Statement Review: Woodwork
Study Skills - Using thinking tools with JCSP Students
Supporting Diversity in JCSP: Parallel Sessions - Literacy / Numeracy followed by Strategies for Supporting Diversity
Talk across the Curriculum
Teachers new to JCSP
Teaching without Tears: Making Sense of Numeracy and Mathematics at Junior Cycle
test1 (T)
The Class Tutor in the JCSP
The Reluctant Learner in the JCSP Classroom
The Successful Classroom : JCSP for subject teachers- making the most of JCSP in your classroom
Using Comic Life to enhance and support teaching and learning in JCSP classrooms
Using Comic Life to enhance and support teaching and learning in JCSP classrooms
Using Digital Images to tell a story
Using ICT to enhance and support teaching and learning in JCSP classrooms
Whole School Approach to Literacy Development at Junior Cycle
Wholeschool Approach to Literacy
Wholeschool Approach to Numeracy
Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing Across the Curriculum: Using software to support and develop writing
“It’s the teachers that make the difference”
Displaying courses 76 - 96 of 96 in total