Teaching without Tears: Making Sense of Numeracy and Mathematics at Junior Cycle
- Target Group
- Teachers who teach the Junior Certificate School Programme, junior cycle maths teachers, Learning Support and Resource teachers and any junior cycle subject teachers whose students are experiencing difficulties with the numeracy demands of their subjects.
- Course Aims
- Practical approaches to teaching Numeracy and Mathematics.
On successful completion of this Modular Course, participating teachers should be able to:
•Describe how students learn numeracy and mathematics
•Identify some of the major difficulties and challenges encountered in numeracy and mathematics by some junior cycle students
•Identify and implement a range of methodologies and approaches to support the teaching and learning of numeracy and mathematics at junior cycle
•Use and appraise a variety of teaching and learning support materials (games, work cards, learning laboratories, software, Flashmasters etc.)
•Evaluate approaches for improving mathematical literacy
•Investigate best practice as indicated in research findings from JCSP Numeracy and Maths Initiatives
•Investigate the use of diagnostic testing as a means of identifying learning gaps and areas of weakness in mathematics
•Identify the impact of numeracy across the curriculum