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What is the aim of the JCSP?
The Junior Certificate School Programme attempts to help young people experience success and develop a positive self-image by providing a curriculum and assessment framework suitable to their needs. The programme aims to ensure that students actively participate in their learning, make progress and build on their achievements. The programme also aims to develop students’ literacy, numeracy, communication and group work skills. On completion of the programme, students receive a profile which is an official record of their achievements from the Department of Education.
Is this an alternative to the Junior Certificate?
No, the Junior Certificate School Programme is not an alternative to the Junior Cycle. It is a framework that is designed to help schools and teachers develop an imaginative approach to the Junior Cycle course. All the students in the Programme must be entered for the Junior Cycle examination.
What is the difference between the JCSP and the Junior Cycle?
The Junior Certificate School Programme is a way of working within the Junior Cycle. It is designed especially to help young people who have had a difficult experience of school and may be potential early leavers. Through a system of profiling a student’s work in Junior Cycle classes, students are provided with opportunities to engage with the curriculum and to achieve success at school. They get an official certificate of their achievements, validated by the Department of Education, in addition to their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCSPA).
Do students sit the Junior Cycle examination?
Absolutely! The whole point of participating in the Junior Certificate School Programme is to stay at school, experience success in school and become more confident about sitting the Junior Cycle Exam.
Do many students fail JCSP?
Students cannot fail JCSP. The Programme is about success. Achievable statements are carefully chosen. Students get an opportunity to complete a series of statements and build their own success profile – a profile listing all the things they can do.
Do parents have a role in JCSP?
Parental involvement is encouraged and welcomed in JCSP. Schools increase the frequency of contact with parents with emphasis on passing on ‘good news’. Many schools hold parent days to exhibit work done, award certificates of achievement and generally celebrate with parents their children’s successes. Parents are invited to become actively involved in their children’s education by working with the school in encouraging good attendance, punctuality and homework and by praising progress made.