Number Millionaire
(Category: Numeracy)
Number Millionaire is a numeracy quiz where individual students (contestants) are challenged to identify the correct answer to twelve arithmetical questions. Each quiz question has a choice of four answers attached; three of the answers are incorrect. The student tries to identify the correct answer by performing mental computation and/or deduction.
Whenever a student is unsure of the correct answer, he / she can avail of the support provided by the four Lifelines (50:50, Ask a Friend, Use a Friend, Ask the Audience) to arrive at the correct answer. The quiz is usually planned and structured as an individualised activity, involving one contestant at a time, but can also be implemented as a paired or collaborative activity involving two or more students.
• Please enclose in your evaluation a detailed description of the activities undertaken in the running of the initiative along with any relevant photographs of the activities undertaken (no direct student photos please).
• The evaluation should be submitted online at