Summer Celebration 2009
(Category: General JCSP)
Summer Celebrations are now an annual event in most JCSP schools. These celebrations allow students to showcase their work and invite peers, parents and teachers to a celebration of their year in JCSP. Many students are presented with certificates of achievement or statement certificates if they have achieved a statement over the course of the year. It is also an opportunity to display their work, particularly their JCSP folders, and to display photographs of the highlights of the school year. Students can also work on the statement 'Organising a School Function' as part of their work towards the summer celebration. These celebrations serve to acknowledge success and to publically affirm the students.
In the case of third year students these are extremely important events as students are presented with their final profiles. Many schools now include a positive reference being read out as part of the ceremony. Co-ordinators have found that this affirmation before they sit their Junior Certificate Examinations has a very positive affect on the outcomes. The event can highlight the students' strengths giving them the final push to come into school to do their exams and to enter the exam hall with confidence.
Overall the JCSP summer celebrations provide students with an opportunity to proudly display the work of their year and be affirmed for their successes throughout.
Please ensure to take some photographs of your event to be included in your on line evaluation. The involvement of your whole Team of JCSP teachers in these events can make them a huge success and where possible the involvement of the Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator can be crutial in order to follow up the invitations to parents. Ideally, involve senior management in the presentations, some schools even involve celebrities to bring some glitz to the occcasion.
We wish you every success with your celebrations and don't forget to invite your link person on the JCSP Support Team who will hopefully be in a position to join you at your event.