Cross Aged Paired Maths
(Category: Numeracy)
Schools participating in this initiative will monitor and investigate the learning opportunities through the establishment and implementation of a cross-aged paired maths programme, which involves the "pairing " of second year JCSP students with second class primary school students. The JCSP students will perform the role of peer tutors to the younger students.
• The funding is available for schools to develop a “Cross-Aged Paired Maths" project where Second Year JCSP students work with second class primary school students in order to support the enhancement of mathematical and numerical competencies in both tutor and tutee.
• Enclosed is an extract from Keith Topping’s guidelines on how to implement and develop a Paired Maths programme.
• The following support materials are available: “LUVE 2C You” bookmarks and posters, “Computational Clocks” posters and folder-inserts and maths achievement certificates. Information on the France Test is provided together with a list of recommended mathematical resources, useful websites and the names of some educational suppliers.
• Please enclose in your evaluation a detailed description of the activities undertaken in the running of the initiative along with any relevant photographs of the activities undertaken. We would be very grateful if the photos are sent to us digitally as the quality is great for publications. Please make sure that you have sought permission from parents/guardians to use the photos in publications. Some schools write to all parents asking them to make contact with the school if they object to photos being published.
• The evaluation should be submitted online at More details below.
• A research dimension is included in this initiative. Schools are requested to implement pre-and post-testing (Maths competency test here or the school's own test/survey