Make Your Own Opoly
(Category: Numeracy)
By using and adapting the "Make Your Own Opoly" starter pack (which is based on the " Monopoly" board game) teachers can construct and develop their own personalized, contextualized and localized board game to generate interest in Maths and Numeracy among JCSP students and to enhance the students' understanding of maths and Numeracy. Participating schools will be provided with funding to purchase "Make Your Own Opoly" starter pack (which includes guidelines) and will also receive the Make Your Own Opoly Workbook which has been developed by Ann Marie Garvey. A research dimension is included in this initiative, which necessitates pre and post testing and the maintenance of a project journal throughout the duration of the initiative.
• The funding is available for schools to purchase “Make Your Own Opoly” starter packs. “Make Your Own Opoly” is based on the popular "Monopoly" boardgame. Starter packs can be purchased in most toy/game shops and in some larger bookstores. The game can be purchased online through these sites: lamond games
Some teachers have also got them on ebay.
• A “Make Your Own Opoly” Workbook is enclosed. Photocopy as required.
• The following support materials are also available: “Computational Clocks” posters and folder-inserts and maths achievement certificates.
• Please enclose in your evaluation a detailed description of the activities undertaken in the running of the initiative along with any relevant photographs of the activities undertaken. We would be very grateful if the photos are sent to us digitally as the quality is great for publications. Please make sure that you have sought permission from parents/guardians to use the photos in publications. Some schools write to all parents asking them to make contact with the school if they object to photos being published.
• The evaluation should be submitted online at More details below. Coord rang office 31/05/11, will run initiative in Sept/Oct '11