Primary Picture Books
(Category: Literacy)
This initiative is based on a very successful project in O Fiaich College, Louth. JCSP students link with a primary school; class and choose an appropriate picture book to read with the students. The students are prepared to visit the primary school and each student is assigned a reading partner to whom they read the book. On completion, each student presents the book to their reading partner.
• The funding is available for schools to link with a primary school class and choose an appropriate picture book for JCSP students to read with the primary students. Students learn and practice the skills of reading a book with younger children.
• The students visit the primary school and each student is assigned a reading partner to whom they read the book.
• On completion, each student presents the book to his or her reading partner.
• Please enclose in your evaluation a detailed description of the activities undertaken in the running of the initiative along with any relevant photographs of the activities undertaken (no direct student photos please).
• The evaluation should be submitted online at