Reading Programme in the English Classroom
(Category: Literacy)
For this initiative schools are asked to consider the most appropriate reading laboratory e.g. SRA and use it outside of the learning support context with a JCSP class group. It is envisaged that schools would run a six week programme using a reading laboratory resource, aimed at accelerating reading and providing students with a regular opportunity to read at their own level and track their progress. Schools are requested to select first year JCSP students to participate in this initiative and to implement pre and post testing and a student reading survey.
• The funding is available for schools to purchase the SRA reading laboratory.
• The SRA kit is for use in the English classroom exclusively.
• Please enclose in your evaluation a detailed description of the activities undertaken in the running of the initiative along with any relevant photographs of the activities undertaken (no direct student photos please).
• The evaluation should be submitted online at
• Please note – the SRA Kit is to be purchased by the school, it is not available from the JCSP office.