LCA Modular Course Promoting Positive Behaviour in the Leaving Certificate Applied Classroom

Target Group
Leaving Certificate Applied Coordinators & teachers of any LCA course/module
Course Aims
• Consider the societal and cultural factors which impact on the LCA classroom.
• Explore the potential of positive student/teacher relationships in creating an effective teaching & learning environment.
• Create an awareness of the potential mismatch between teaching methodologies and students preferred learning styles.
• Student motivation - Developing Leaving Certificate Applied students as effective learners.
• Explore and practise strategies for dealing with a variety of behaviours in the LCA classroom.
• Explore an LCA team response to behaviour issues and common approaches to organising and managing LCA in-school and out-of-school learning experiences.
• Facilitate the sharing of effective strategies and experiences in managing the active Leaving Certificate Applied classroom.
Application Form
Occurrences: 5 (Finished: 5, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Carr-on-Shannon Ed. Centre Mon 21 Jan 2008, Fri 7 Mar 2008
Springfort Hall Hotel, Mallow Thu 24 Jan 2008, Thu 6 Mar 2008
Dublin West Education Centre Fri 25 Jan 2008, Mon 3 Mar 2008
Waterford Education Centre Wed 8 Oct 2008, Thu 27 Nov 2008
Drumcondra Education Centre Thu 16 Oct 2008, Tue 2 Dec 2008