LCA Modular Course: Developing Literacy Skills in LCA learning experiences Day 1

Target Group
LCA Co-ordinators and teachers of any LCA course/module.
Course Aims
- Explore practical generic strategies to enhance literacy development across a range of LCA courses and modules.
- Develop skills to address literacy needs and practise and apply these skills in various subject areas.
- Investigate and promote a cross curricular and team approach to literacy skill development in LCA.
- Identify on-going professional development needs and design a programme for sharing successful approaches and experiences amongst LCA teachers.
- Explore and develop the use of I.C.T. to enhance LCA literacy skills.
- Design models for the review, evaluation and on-going development of effective literacy strategies for use in LCA.
Application Form
Occurrences: 7 (Finished: 7, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Mayo Education Centre Tue 9 Oct 2007
Limerick Education Centre Wed 10 Oct 2007
Drumcondra Education Centre Mon 15 Oct 2007
Donegal Education Centre Mon 14 Jan 2008, Mon 10 Mar 2008
Waterford Teachers' Centre Mon 21 Jan 2008, Wed 5 Mar 2008
Tralee Education Centre Tue 14 Oct 2008
Blackrock Education Centre Mon 20 Oct 2008, Mon 1 Dec 2008