Training of Teachers in Using Online Courses

Target Group
All teachers of Junior Science and Transition Year Science.
Course Aims
These evening sessions will focus on the training of teachers in using online courses as support for student class work in junior or TY science. There are courses in Electricity, Astronomy, Climate change and Geometry and more are planned. Teachers of maths and CSPE may also be interested.
Application Closing Date
One week before course date.
Occurrences: 3 (Finished: 3, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Drumcondra Education Centre Wed 13 Oct 2010 (19:00-21:00)
Galway Education Centre Tue 19 Oct 2010 (19:00-21:00)
Cork Education Support Centre Thu 11 Nov 2010 (19:00-21:00)