All science teachers. (subject content JC Science)
To register please email your name, school and a contact number to
Bríd Finn, at
Course Aims
Learning Outcomes
Participants who complete this course should be able to
• Develop knowledge and an understanding of Peer Learning and its benefits in science.
• Implement Peer Learning in their science classroom.
• Use the resource pack (including activities, worksheets, teaching resources) distributed to make the implementation of Peer Learning easier and more effective.
Course Description:
Peer Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping team-mates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.
This in-service will focus on ‘how to’ implement Peer Learning in the science classroom. It will give a brief background to Peer Learning and the benefits of using it. What makes Peer Learning work and the practical steps needed to be taken to implement it effectively will be discussed. The in-service will contain many practical examples for use in the science classroom. All in-services will include material which is applicable and can be directly related to many different areas of the Junior Certificate Science syllabus.
This in-service will include a resource pack including activities, worksheets, teaching resources that can be used to teach JC Science.