Fieldwork Sessions Spring 2010

Target Group
These days are targeted at teachers who have not already attended Fieldwork Training Days
Course Aims
• Aspects of both Physical and Urban Geography will be covered
• The emphasis will be on developing fieldwork skills and using equipment
• The whole day will be spent in the field
• A variety of locations will be visited
• Transport will be provided from a central location
• Participants will need to bring weatherproof clothes and sturdy footwear, and be prepared for exposed conditions

Meet at Education Centre but we will be spending the day on a bus and in “the field”

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for inclement weather
Application Closing Date
Ten days before commencement of the specific course
Application Form
Occurrences: 3 (Finished: 3, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Blackrock Education Centre Sat 17 Apr 2010 (09:30-15:30)
Cork Education Support Centre Sat 24 Apr 2010 (09:30-15:30)
Galway Education Centre Sat 24 Apr 2010 (09:30-15:30)