SL1016: Rocket Launchers - Make & Take

Course Aims
Not strictly speaking rockets, actually projectiles. Make a compressed air rocket launcher from plumbing parts. The rockets are made from paper /card and sellotape. They are easy and cheap to make in class. Amongst other things, you can change the weighting; position of fins, number of fins, shape and size of nosecone on the projectile and the pressure and angle of firing can be changed on the launcher.-Ideal for investigations.
These rockets will spectacularly easily travel 100m.
The Rocket launcher is made from copper pipe with plumbing fittings (each launcher worth about €40 in materials)
IoPI supply all materials and tools needed. Participants construct and take their launcher back to school.

This workshop will accommodate 20 teachers. Advanced booking is essential.

Telephone 01 236 5000
Fax.01 236 5050


Paul Nugent
Network Coordinator IoP
087 2719349
Occurrences: 1 (Finished: 1, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Blackrock Education Centre Thu 4 Feb 2010 (19:30-21:30)