Organic Chemistry Workshop for Leaving Certificate Chemistry Teachers

Target Group
Leaving Certificate Chemistry Teachers
Course Aims
Teachers are being encouraged to teach the chemistry syllabus in a practical and experimental way.
This Organic Chemistry workshop will give teachers hands-on experience in the organic mandatory practicals using traditional glassware and micro-scale glassware
(1) To prepare a sample of soap which involves refluxing and distillation,
(2) To prepare ethanoic acid which also involves refluxing and distillation,
(3) A demonstration of the extraction of clove oil from cloves by steam distillation, with improvisation on the steam generator, and
(4) To obtain a pure sample of benzoic acid from an impure sample by recrystallisation.
Safety tips, techniques tips and exam questions related to the experiments will be given on the day.
A book on the preparation of materials and notes for the organic mandatory practicals will be provided to participants.

Please bring a laboratory coat on the day.

To register please email your name, school and a contact number to
BrĂ­d Finn, at sciences@slss.ie

Application Closing Date
27th January 2010
Occurrences: 1 (Finished: 1, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates
Institute of Technology, Tralee Sat 30 Jan 2010 (09:30-15:00)