LCA Modular Course Cooperative Learning (CL) – A New Approach to Classroom Management in the Diverse Classroom. Teachers are equipped with active methodologies that are team based and empower all to progress at the highest level.

Target Group
Teachers of LCA students that wish to:
• Learn effective team based Mixed Ability Teaching methods
• Broaden their repertoire of Classroom Management skills
• Improve levels of pupil achievement
• Enhance discipline and the emotional / psychological climate of the classroom
• Reduce and prevent bullying behaviour inside and outside the classroom
Course Aims
• Learn how to implement Cooperative Learning methods and build cooperative relationships
• Identify the Five Basic Elements of successful cooperative groups
• Investigate and perfect the use of several teaching methodologies that incorporate these elements and choose those most appropriate to a particular subject area, age group and mix of pupils.
• Examine the Distributed Functions Theory of Leadership and its application in the classroom and in Schools
• Explore the Interpersonal Skills needed by students to enable them to work cooperatively with others and propose a suitable methodology for teaching these
• Discover strategies to reduce and prevent bullying behaviours
Application Form
Occurrences: 0 (Finished: 0, Remaining: 0)
Venue Dates