LCA Modular Course Cooperative Learning (CL) – A New Approach to Classroom Management in the Diverse Classroom. Teachers are equipped with active methodologies that are team based and empower all to progress at the highest level.
- Target Group
- Teachers of LCA students that wish to:
• Learn effective team based Mixed Ability Teaching methods
• Broaden their repertoire of Classroom Management skills
• Improve levels of pupil achievement
• Enhance discipline and the emotional / psychological climate of the classroom
• Reduce and prevent bullying behaviour inside and outside the classroom
- Course Aims
- • Learn how to implement Cooperative Learning methods and build cooperative relationships
• Identify the Five Basic Elements of successful cooperative groups
• Investigate and perfect the use of several teaching methodologies that incorporate these elements and choose those most appropriate to a particular subject area, age group and mix of pupils.
• Examine the Distributed Functions Theory of Leadership and its application in the classroom and in Schools
• Explore the Interpersonal Skills needed by students to enable them to work cooperatively with others and propose a suitable methodology for teaching these
• Discover strategies to reduce and prevent bullying behaviours