Allocations |
The current Circulars governing the Programme are available here gov - Allocation of teachers to schools (www.gov.ie) and listed below:
Circular 0008/2024: 'Staffing arrangements in Voluntary Secondary Schools for the 2024/2025 school year'
Circular 0009/2024: 'Staffing arrangements in Community and Comprehensive Schools for the 2024/2025 school year'
Circular 0010/2024: 'Staffing arrangements in Education and Training Boards for the 2024/2025 school year'
In the above circulars, for allocations please read page 6, point 1.7 and for coordination time, page 8, point 1.17 which also references the current circular on Posts of Responsibility Circular 0003/2018
The capitation grant details: Circular 0052/2020