The Senior Leader is Lisa Kelly. Oide offers a variety of models and supports for JCSP Co-ordinators and schools. Please see below for relevant links:
PLE Autumn 2024/Spring 2025: The JCSP calender is here and the flyer for Spring 2025 Effective Teaching, Learning and Assessment to support DEIS Action Planning PLE is here
To book a place using the Oide online booking portal, please click here.
For any other queries, please contact jcspresources@oide.ie
**General Data Protection Regulations**: To comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you are requested to register/confirm as a user for JCSP services. If you are a JCSP Coordinator, Principal or JCSP Librarian in a school running the JCSP programme, please complete this form. You are requested to register your details each academic year. Please also update your schools records here
FINAL PROFILING 2025: The deadline to submit final profiles on www.jcsp.ie is Wednesday 2nd April 2025. The Details of Final Profiling Arrangements for 2025 are here.
MAKE A BOOK VIDEO: Ever wondered what Make a Book is all about? Student creativity!! Have a look at the fantastic displays from the 2025 Make a Book Exhibitions showcased in our video
Initiative Evaluations Questions: here is the text file with the questions that are required to be answered on the Intitiative Evaluation Form
JCSP Competition: We are delighted to announce the latest competition Young People in the Community Competition. The entry template is available here and should be returned with scanned copies of the entries to jcspresources@oide.ie. The closing date for the competition is the 14th of March.
JCSP Resources: (workbooks, posters) - Once you are registered, login here. For information purposes, here is a listing of available resources Excel or PDF
EDITABLE RESOURCES AND PADLET WALL LINKS FROM JCSP ONLINE SEMINARS: All editable resources, JCSP Coordinators, DEIS Action Planning for Improvement and Formative Assessment.
Statement family listings are now available to download on the Coordinators page here.
MASTER STUDENT RECORD CARD 2024/2025 - Editable PDF here - download and save to your device/school platform.
A copy of the "JCSP COLLABORATIVE PROFILING 2024-2025 sheet" can be downloaded here. It is offered as an approach to assist Coordinators in collecting JCSP student data within their school. Initially, you will need to download it, save it to your school platform before sharing it with teachers in your school. Each sheet will be a complete record for an academic year containing three tabs, one each for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. Subject to Coordinator feedback and any amendments to be made, we would hope to issue a new sheet every year.
RESOURCES TO SUPPORT UKRAINIAN STUDENTS: JCSP Librarians have worked to gather lists of appropriate resources for supporting Ukrainian students. These resources reflect the need for materials to support their initial entry into the Irish education system, as well as providing on going support. These include academic and educational, cultural and wellbeing resources, and there are a wide variety of items that can support students, families and educators.
Digital Library: Now with over 220 member schools, the JCSP Library Project Digital Library continues to expand. The library contains over 9,500 unique e-book and audiobook titles - with multiple copies of many of these bringing the overall total to over 33,000. Over 57,000 books were borrowed from the Library last year and the borrowing levels continue to grow. You can view our Digital Library Showcase here .
To register, enter your school details here and a set of student and staff logins will be sent to your school. Membership is free for students and staff in JCSP/DEIS schools.
Stories for the Classroom is a wonderful classroom resource for 1st year students written by Paddy Kirwan of Our Lady of Mercy, Mourne Road, Drimnagh. It is designed to be used in the classroom on the whiteboard. There are 33 stories, one per week with exercises at the end of each story. Also available to download in word format at this link: Workbooks - JCSP
Did you know that the novel IN PIECES is available free of charge to all JCSP students? All 3 titles in the series are available to download from the JCSP Library Project Digital Library - in eBook and Audiobook format. All 3 titles can also be purchased at this link: EDCO
The JCSP Demonstration Library Project Charter is available here: